Wednesday, September 19, 2007

more ideas than time.

fall is coming quickly, and like every year, i am nesting like crazy. every magazine on the newsstands shows yet another gorgeous house with a beautifully decorated autumnal front porch. one day, i will have a porch!

i went a little shopping nuts last week, both on etsy (more on that later) and on fabric websites. i received a gorgeous order from purl, having bought about 20 yards of fabric in order to make a new duvet cover for my bed. the bean ripped it open and before i could even look she and the dog were happily building a tent with it and generally creating chaos.

the next day i received my order from reprodepot, which i waited to open until the bean was asleep notice the difference!) i love fresh, folded fabrics. it's almost a shame to wash them. these are some halloween fabrics, some fabrics i decided i needed for projects and the apple corduroy will hopefully magically become a skirt. either that or i will be holding off on sleeping for a few weeks...

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